Difficult diplomatic puzzle placed third nuclear test conducted by North Korea's Feb. 12 almost placed on the opposite side of the world, a "world how sanctions against North Korea, North Korea, how will the reaction" court of world opinion. 15, Yonhap heard saying North Korea may launch intercontinental ballistic missiles. Korea possessed nuclear weapons sound high, a lot of people talking about Japanese military "pre-emptive". Later on the 15th, "exclusive news" Reuters broke the Korean Peninsula more paranoia: North Korea has informed China, this year may be the fourth or even fifth nuclear test.
North Korea nuclear test is considered to be a key step leading to the nuclear weapon miniaturization, form a fighting force Pyongyang to comment this nuclear test, the voice of the international community criticized a "perfect" in a few hours after the North Korean nuclear test The 15 members of the UN Security Council quickly condemned brewing a new round of sanctions against the DPRK. China's position, especially a lot of people are concerned about. So a lot of people understand that North Korea Why is it adhere to the nuclear test, because the Northeast Asian multinational change in leadership, also carried out the transfer of power in the United States and Russia, North Korea to improve relations of the same multinational turnaround, South Korean media said North Korea kick out such an opportunity.
Aimed at North Korea's of forcibly nuclear test, Japan's Jiji news agency reported on the 15th, the 14th, the U.S. Secretary of State Warren and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon talks on the UN Security Council to quickly develop sanctions resolution "to agree. 15, 2009, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, speaking in Parliament, said, "China immediately took the lead in their own sanctions on North Korea after further action, the trends of the performance of the DPRK and the international community will consider before making a decision. A day earlier, Abe has Obama through phone, he called for the strengthening of the Japan-US cooperation in the implementation of economic sanctions against Pyongyang, Obama promised the United States will provide a nuclear umbrella. South Korea, "Chosun Ilbo" said the crucial first DPRK exposed crude oil, food, financial. As long as the cut off North Korea's crude oil and food available to, the effect will be immediate. South Korea, "Central Daily" on the 14th, or for the first time to launch separate sanctions against North Korea, including the suspension of China and the DPRK in Rason SAR cooperation projects.
Spain the Eurasian Review website 14 Journal discussed how "with a provocative North Korean deal" that "the United States and Japan, South Korea, India and Israel should join forces, through covert operations aimed at North Korea's nuclear facilities and missile facilities. Article said, "in this adventure, Israel will be willing to cooperate, India should also true.